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The Jessie Rose Trip



Schön, wenn man monatelang an 'ner Band rumbaggert und dann endlich doch noch die Bestätigung bekommt, mit der man schon garnicht mehr gerechnet hat. Wir freuen uns tierisch, The Jessie Rose Trip aus Manchester bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.

The Jessie Rose Trip is a Manchester trio fronted by enigmatic sylph singer song-writer and musician Jessie Rose who, with her stunning soulful pipes and heavy blues guitar riffs, has won rave comparisons with everyone from Billie Holiday to Jimi Hendrix. Seriously catchy melodies and riffs are combined with the Trip’s stomping hip hop and dance influenced grooves to create songs which, once heard, you won’t forget. Their innovative sound and high energy performances have been gaining them an increasingly high profile fan base and reputation on the live circuit. Now signed with S-Curve Records (Universal Distributions) in America for a worldwide deal it's time to keep your ears to the ground and eyes to the skies as The Jessie Rose Trip begin their astronomical rise to the top!
